

Sunday, January 10, 2016

How to score in a Medley Festival!!

Hey guys! I decided to write this post because of a recent Hanayo medley festival going on! Even though Hanayo is not my best girl, I have decided to participate in the event just for the sake for participating in it and for the love gems!


I am giving you these tips from my experience from the last event I participated in, which was a Nico score match event.
It was kinda...brutal. o( _ _ )o…zzzzzZZ

So, I'll start off with the first and foremost MOST IMPORTANT tip:


Trust me, I pretty much learned this one the hard way. Always start on the day of the event! In my case, I started on the day of the event, but I slacked off one day, and fell behind. If you do not follow this tip, you will be wasting precious Love Gems on last-minute cramming for the event. Which brings me to my next tip...

2. Do not slack off!

If you slack off, you lessen your chances of getting the SR of your dreams. If you have decided to play every time your LP has refilled, then stick to it. If you know you have other priorities, get those done efficiently, then play as soon as you can.

If your priorities take up all of your time, consider not participating in the event. (Priorities come first folks!)

3. Take advantage of Love Gems (And force-closing.

If you REALLY DON'T have lots of free time to be playing Love Live, then take advantage of LP-refilling Love gems. Play and refill whenever you have extra free time.

The only con with the Love Gem tip is that you may end up wasting them all and have to save them up again. This tip should only be used as a last-minute resort.

A Youtuber by the name of ErynCerise has another great tip for us all for force-closing if you don't have time. Here is the quotation from her Medley Festival video below:

"If you've got at least 45 LP, you can get a healthy amount of sleep, which still achieving perfect LP efficiency, if you take the following steps:

STEP 1: Play right before bed and completely drain your LP.

STEP 2: Set an alarm and wake up 4 1/2 hours later. This lets you get THREE full sleep cycles before waking up.

STEP 3: Take 10 to 15 *sleepy seconds* to set up either a 2-song EX medley or a 3-song hard.

STEP 4: Close the app while on the team select screen.

STEP 5: Go back to sleep! Then you will wake up in another 3 hours or so, achieving a good night's rest and not a single wasted LP!

If you've got at least 60 LP, you can do the same trick with 3 song EX medleys and get yourself basically 12 free hours without playing with only a quick 10 seconds to set up the next medley in the middle.

She also says...

This trick is absolutely ESSENTIAL if you're in school or you work long hours, or otherwise can't play songs for a while.


4. Use song boosters wisely. (And the one to never ever use)

It is very important to use song boosters wisely while in a medley festival in order not to waste all of your G.

Here are the ones you should mostly use:


ღEvent points

ღEXP up

Score-up boosts up your score and gets you closer to ranking a S rank on a song (which can prove to be very useful if your team is not the best)

Event points gives you a generous boost of event points, which will get you closer faster to the SR card. Use it, and abuse it. (That is, if you have enough G.) This is highly recommended to use.

EXP up is great too because you can get to higher ranks faster, which can up your level of LP, which can help you play more songs at one gaming session. The more LP you have, the faster you can get your dream SR!

These other ones are if you need them in certain circumstances, but are still good to use if you have extra G you need to waste:

ღRecovery effect

ღFull support


This is the one to NEVER or to very rarely use:

ღGold-silver boost

Why, you may ask?

It being expensive is one of the reasons, but in the long run it is not worth buying because of the very low chance of ever getting a gold prize. In other words, it's very unreliable and the low chances of getting a gold prize makes it a big waste of G.

Unless you're deliberately trying to waste all of your G, I'd recommend passing on this one.

5. Build strong teams, save Love gems, and save G.

This tip applies for events in general. Before the event you are going to participate in, (which you won't know until it comes), set a general goal of leveling up your teams, saving lots of Love gems, and saving G.

During this time, DO NOT SOLO-YOLO SCOUT!! It will simply drain all of your Love Gems away and you will lose all your hard work saving them. Try friend point scouting instead.

I hope I have helped you succeed in this medley festival and other medley events in the future! Stay tuned for more updates!

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