

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Thought of the Day

I really want to quit Instagram, but it's so addictive! I feel like it's holding me back from living in the moment and it's making me a lot more dependent on my phone.

These girls inspire me because they are living truly in the moment and don't care about how many likes they get on their posts or what the right pictures are to post. I really wish I could be more like them.

Everyone is dependent on their phones. It makes me sad. I no longer want to be that person.

To be honest, the girls in K-on are my main trigger in wanting to quit. Maybe they'll inspire me to truly quit for good. The only drawback is that in 2017, it's really not practical at ALL to quit Instagram because people expect you to have one. I sort of don't want to live with that pressure.

When I attempted to quit Instagram once, I had bad withdrawal symptoms and I felt cut off. I'm scared to feel that way and going through that will be extremely hard. There are so many triggers around me, and I'm scared that I will miss out on something important if I quit. I know this is irrational, but it really isn't practical to quit, even if the world is heading towards the future.

To be honest, I'm sick of being dependent on Instagram and constantly seeing pictures of fake girls trying to be like Kylie Jenner every day. I'm sick of the world being fake and inorganic and filtering all of their pictures to be "perfect" and validate their self-worth online.

I really truly want to escape from that and make my vision a reality. It may be regressing, but I feel that this regression in technology may be worth it to me. It will help me keep my peace of mind and will make me happier.

I will miss being able to see people's profiles and be able to connect with them at the click of a button. I will miss seeing all of the beautiful art accounts that inspire me and the pictures of my loved ones. But at this point, I don't know if staying on Instagram is really worth it anymore. I don't think it is adding to my quality of life.

I regret joining Instagram. I wish I never joined. I miss eating a meal without being anxious that my cell phone is not by me. I miss not having the pressure to take a perfect picture for Instagram whenever I am out with friends. I miss it when people weren't so dependent on technology. I really do.

I fear by quitting, I'll not have as much fun with everyone because they will be on their phones the whole time. I'm scared people will judge me for not having an Instagram. But, I want to make this change in my life and I am determined to do it. I need to stick to my goals, take the plunge and make this change. I need to let go of any fears and just go for it.

I'm going to be doing a 30-day Instagram fast. I'm scared to do it, but I know I can do it. All I have to do it try.

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