

Saturday, February 3, 2018

How players become players

I know why players become players.

They get hurt and rejected so much that they can't take it anymore, and start flirting with girls/guys to compensate for their "flaws". They want to seek revenge against those who hurt them and want to prove themselves to the world that they are good enough to be loved and appreciated. They want to flirt with many people at once so they can prove to themselves that they are worthy. 

Those who are players are not inherently bad people. They mostly start off as people with a kind heart and are strong and confident in themselves, but eventually they get exposed to the world's treatment. As a result, their image of themselves gets tainted to society's expectations, and they feel they should adhere to those expectations, so therefore, they start to become players. 

They get so angry and sad about being rejected from the world to the point where they just...snap. Whether it is family problems, getting rejected by the opposite sex, or just being bullied and mistreated by friends, they eventually break. They get sick and tired of being mistreated, turn cynical, and begin to take advantage of others to regain their power. By flirting with multiple people, taking advantage of friends, or trying to get revenge on the world in some way, they feed their damaged ego from their past scars.
They want to play the game so they can win against the world's uncontrollable situations.

This is why people become players.
All they want to do is regain their power back somehow, and they will never give up the fight...

Until they somehow accept it. 
Until they somehow accept that they had a bad past, got bullied by friends, or betrayed by their family, they will never stop being players or trying to bring people down.

They will never stop trying to regain their power until they accept the life situations that were out of their control.