

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I honestly don't understand why some girls post selfies of themselves all the time. It really annoys me! It's like they feel like they have to validate themselves to the world, and that in itself is sickening to me. I hate over-edited selfies. They just make me want to quit even more.
I'm really tempted to just nuke some of my social media posts, but the guilt from looking like I don't care about the people in them stops me from deleting them. I felt pressure to post them so I wouldn't look like I'm heartless.
It bugs me.

I want to quit, I want to quit, I WANT TO QUIT!!
I feel so trapped. It's like I CAN'T quit because I'm obliged to stay on. Ugh.
Maybe one day. I want to escape!!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Read This (to those who need a wake-up call)

Read this. It's really good and eye-opening.
Want to know what the most striking quote of this is?
"I realized that this is my time to be me."
It's really refreshing to read. I suggest you do.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tsubomi and Erika

I watched Precure again and realized how much I missed it! It brings back old memories lol.

Now that I've started watching it again, I am hooked!

Here are some pictures of Tsubomi and Erika from the current Precure series I'm watching, HeartCatch Precure:

Now that I think about it, I really miss blogging! I wish I could blog more often, but it's hard to think of things to write about... *sigh* ੨( ・᷄ ︵・᷅ )シ

I may or may not have another pixel post lined up soon, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Thought of the day

I suddenly felt the urge to start watching Precure again for old time's sake. Maybe I can finish the series!! (≧∇≦)/

Monday, May 8, 2017

Dating Advice 101

This is the best dating advice I've ever been given:
If you see a boy with a snapback, run.
If he wears a beanie, be careful.

Dating advice I'll give you:

If he has perfect classic slick-back hair that looks like this, get away.

Image result for tumblr boy
If he doesn't wear a hat, he's a maybe but watch out for how he styles his hair.
If he looks "too-good-to-be-true" or like a perfect Tumblr boy, run away.
If he is more than averagely fit, be careful.
If he talks to a lot of girls or posts lots of pictures with girls, don't pursue him.
If you don't like his friends, don't bother.
If you have a gut feeling that he is a jerk, run away and don't look back.
It's better to be alone than to be with the wrong person. I've had to learn a lot of these the hard way and it was not fun.
Learn from me and save yourself some heartbreak.