

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Hi guys! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ How are you? I'm just going to be annoying and write a Japanese-style post today~ ☆ This should be fun, tee-hee~♪

But for real though, I'm going to write like normal today. Quite frankly, I have no idea what I want to blog about. But, I did end up getting that Nico card!

I had to work so hard for it. Playing all of those songs over and over again got grating!!

Anyways, onto the main topic of today...


I know that half of my posts on this blog are about K-on, but it is one of my most favorite animes!

Anyways, you guys should watch this movie because:

1. It's super-duper cute!
2. It's K-on
3. Suuushiii, Azu-catimage, and "No Japaneseu!"

Do do do do doo~

"Mugi! Tell us about your secret relationship!"
"Mugi, tell me about your private life!"


I would put more cute gifs on here about the movie, but I wouldn't want to spoil it!

I find it kind of a bummer that blogs are starting to become obsolete. I mean you can a) have your own domain b) customize it however you want and c)have a higher array of privacy options!

I mean, maybe it's the stigma behind it but...

What's so lame about a blog??

Oh well, blogging is not for everybody~

Thanks for reading, and

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