

Friday, December 10, 2021

nothing to report really


So it's been a few days since I've last blogged because I've been so busy with finals this week. I have nothing significant to report except for petty whining tbh.

For starters, I completely bombed the art final that I studied for because it was the EXACT same test format that the midterm was in (yes, I bombed that one too)image It was NOT fun calling my dad and telling him that I basically failed the final exam in a class which I already have a D in...

I also have managed to be DAYS late for multiple deadlines for my internship class because of studying for said final which I indeed failed. 

On the bright side, I got to hang out with my bestie and study with her for a couple days!image I wasn't as productive as her, but at least I got something done! I also survived on boba tea and Starbucks mochas this week. I also got half a dozen donuts and we ate them together at the library (yes, I ate 5/6 of them since she was full and didn't want them, yikes)デコメ image of Picimageimage


I also went to my psychiatrist today and found out that the reason why I do well on a med I'm taking and coffee is because stimulants help with ADHD-like symptoms and well...I finally got the courage to ask to get evaluated in the near future.image Pretty proud of myself ngl.image

I also decided to reduce the dose of my other med by half because it's been making me way too apathetic over time since I've started taking it to the point where I don't care about important things such as schoolwork deadlines and showing up on time to work and to be honest, that's concerning me because anxiety meds shouldn't make someone that apathetic rightimageimage 

I'm trying so hard to resist the temptation to google r/antipsychiatry and read horror stories of people who had bad experiences with meds because I know that information right now won't serve me because I have learned that I need to take some kind of medication to function appropriately for the rest of my life.image


Anyways, the psychiatrist told me that the fact that this is happening is a problem and so is feeling flat because my dose could be too high now, so I felt like it was the right time to start lowering it. 


I also have been fixing my sleep schedule and have been sleeping at reasonable hours this week!

I'm going to get back to studying now!imageimage



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