

Friday, September 1, 2023

god I wanna fucking kms

So...I guess I got banned from Spacehey.

I used the site starting in 2021 to blog about my life and vent about my problems. It became a safe haven, solace, and diary for me up until tonight, when some asshole moderator decided to ban me because of hate speech and "mean comments"...

"Hate speech" as in ranting about xenogenders and neopronouns being absolute bullshit and that people who use nouns unironically as pronouns being a mockery to the LGBTQ+ community....and I get banned for that despite people in the comments section telling me to kill myself, that I'm a bigot and a retard?? 

I didn't even get a chance to redeem myself with removing the posts because I was busy adulting in REAL LIFE. Like I'm so fucking sorry mods that I can't be online 24/7 because I have real responsibilities besides staring at social media all day and hyper fixating on swear words. SMH. 

I used to love Spacehey because it was chill and people wanting nostalgia until all these sensitive crybaby teenagers joined and then the atmosphere got completely ruined. Now there's mods that are little babies banning people right and left for "bigotry" that literally doesn't exist :// Like sorry I wanted to keep my comment section open for people to freely debate on my rant post. I only gave shit back to the people who gave me shit and openly told me to kill myself. THOSE people should be banned, not me. Why is life so unfair?

I sent them a support email asking them if I could potentially get my account back, but now I'm reconsidering my decision on making another account on there ever again. It was getting kind of annoying seeing those cringe posts on the new blogs tab of the most random spammy shit ever to exist. Maybe it's time to move on. I could have outgrown the site's userbase, plus I have adult life responsibilities to focus on like my healthcare.

Speaking of which, fuck my specialty pharmacy who hires the most incompetent, unhelpful and rude staff ever who just read from a screen and transfer you instead of solving my medication billing problem. Now I've skipped my third dose of Humira for my HS, and I may have to start all over again if this takes too much longer.


I also have gotten an unfortunate vaginismus diagnosis after seeing the OBGYN+ for the first time in my life and not even being able to get my Pap smear done. Not only am I currently unable to have sex with my boyfriend without some stupid pelvic therapies I don't want to do, but I also may not be able to get my Humira for a while which is REALLY going to drain my energy from the pain HS gives me.

Anyways, fuck Spacehey and welcome back to Blogger. At least this time around, I won't be hated on by a bunch of salty teenagers that know nothing about how they'll be treated in the real world and I can freely blog about my (non-hateful) opinions in peace.

Maybe this is for the best. Employers nowadays have no clue what Blogger is and I doubt they think people my age use it. I also am under an alias instead of my real name, so likely I won't be found out and can feel less worried about real-life repercussions. 

So here's to a new, fresh start!

On another topic, I spent all day today watching an absolute tearjerker of a Japanese drama called The Hours of my Life. It was simultaneously touching and devastating, and really helped me be grateful for all the wonderful things I already have in my life. It was a really helpful pick-me-up for my recent disappointments.

I need to do my homework tomorrow and make a serious effort to get it done, but I hope to get back into Jdramas soon once I have the time and have caught up on everything!

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